Paid Menstrual and Menopause Leave

There is currently a push to legislate for paid menstrual and menopause leave but what is it and how does it work?

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Unfair Dismissal and Constructive Dismissal

Terminating an employee is not always straightforward. Read about unfair dismissal and how to avoid it.

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Christmas Shutdowns

It’s time to start planning for office Christmas closures typically called a shutdown.

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The Foundations of Recruitment

When you think of recruitment, you might think that its a race to get someone onboard as quickly as possible and with as little effort as possible. However, this approach is, in many cases, a surefire way to attract the wrong candidates and wind up making a bad hire.

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Abandonment of Employment

  I’ve recently fielded some questions about abandonment of employment. To put it simply, assessing an abandonment of employment is just not that simple. The first step in assessing whether …read more

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What is Quiet Quitting and Why Should You Care About It?

Quiet quitting is a new buzz word, but it’s definitely not a new concept. Many people will be more familiar with the ‘old-fashioned’ term for it – work to rule. …read more

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Privacy Act Review

Parliament has recently announced a review of the Privacy Act with changes on the horizon. The proposed changes include: Strengthening individual’s privacy rights by strengthening consent requirements and introducing a …read more

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What is Indirect Discrimination?

Discrimination is a word that we are all very familiar with. But something that we may not be so familiar with, is a form of discrimination called indirect discrimination. The …read more

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Personal calls and texts at work – when is it too much?

Recently the Fair Work Commission confirmed an employer’s decision to dismiss an employee who had been warned about excessive use of their mobile phone during business hours. In the case …read more

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Redundancy – Is it or isn’t it?

A case recently brought before the courts by the Fair Work Ombudsman has shed light on whether employees are entitled to a redundancy payment if a business loses a contract for services that the workforce is engaged to fulfil.

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