The Worth It Equation – What Employers Need to Know.

I’ve been under the weather the past two days which has given me a chance to catch up on my professional reading. As usual a major theme is HYBRID WORKING!

Survey after survey has been conducted and the results are overwhelmingly similar. Common to all the surveys I’ve read is that a growing percentage of employees (over 50% in some surveys) have said that they prioritise their personal lives and their health and wellbeing over their work since the pandemic. Many said that they want to retain work from home and hybrid working arrangements and need to have a compelling reason to work from the office.

Microsoft have dubbed this the “worth it equation”. For employers this means more demand from employees for a work environment and experience that provides:

• A positive work culture

• Mental health and wellbeing benefits

• A sense of meaning/purpose

• Flexible hours

It also means that when it comes to recruiting in a skills shortage market employees will be attracted to businesses that can demonstrate their commitment to these values and who can demonstrate that they’ve thought about how they can deliver this in the new normal work context.

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